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Content Creation

Content Creation

ID-100185968Effective e-learning relies on creating engaging and appropriate content and delivering it in such a way that engages and motivates learners to become involved or immersed with the learning. Static text based content may not always be the most effective delivery method and with evolving technology and increased accessibility learners are expecting new and intuitive ways to learn.

It is important to note that content should be accessible and ideally not reliant on one particular tool or technology for engagement. Similar content can be displayed and shared through a variety of platforms. At the Institute all learners have IT accounts and access to emails and Moodle. These can be a great starting points to deliver effective learning content when not in traditional face to face delivery. Furthermore making use of personal devices within the classroom can provide unique and interactive ways to deliver engaging content.

Below are some current online tools for effective Content Creation. Over time this list will expand so keep checking back for updates. Furthermore sign up or follow the blog for regular updates and case studies of how similar tools a re being used across the Group.



Blendspace (formerly Edcanvas) – this is a visually appealing site that allows users to collate a range of different resources such as Videos, Webpages, Documents and Quizzes in ‘Blends’. These can then be shared with learners of embedded into webpages for more accessibility.

Slideshare – Allows users to upload a range of PDF, Powerpoint or Word documents to be converted into an online slide player. This can then be accessed directly or embedded in Webpages, Its ideal for making your learning resources more intuitive and accessible.

QR Codes – QR caodes are a type of Immersive Technology that blends or bridges the real world and the digital world together using a bar-code and an app from a smartphone. There are dozens of innovative uses for QR codes to link to content, be used as a feedback system or for other in class activities.

Issuu – is an online magazine publishing tool that allows the user to add additional content such as web links. It can be a great way to share and enhance traditional text based documents. Furthermore, with share and embed options it can be an exciting tool for learning and assessment.

Educreations – Educreations is a free whiteboard tool available online and in app format for smart devices. It allows the user to mix a traditional whiteboard type tool with images and other content including audio narration to create engaging guides or tutorials. Content can be easily shared and also embedded into Webpages.

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