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Collaborative Technologies

Collaborative Technologies


When we consider the term ‘Collaborative Technologies’ we must consider what sits beneath the phrase. Whilst the platform or delivery method is a determining factor in the e-learning world, it is the functionality of what these technologies provide that is of more importance. It is the channel to which a wide range of users can share, find and even create a range of media such as text, images, videos and other content.

One could instantly think that sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Wikipedia are the only technologies of worth in a social media rich society but this is not also the case. Whilst this provides a more socially based platform there are other technologies that allow learners to interact and participate in online communities in many productive ways. When one considers tools such as Freecycle, Google Docs, Kickstarter, Help Forums and modern communities formed by Massive Open Online Courses (Mooc’s) it opens many other possibilities.

The purpose of collaboration in Education, especially in teaching and learning can be far reaching but ultimately should be able to engage and motivate learners to help ensure suitable and sustainable learning takes place. It provides a good foundation to enable Differentiation and bridge the gaps between learners and tutors and learners and learners, such as literacy, numeracy and personal; skills development. It helps to meet and exceed goals by recognising each others strengths whilst sharing best practice. Furthermore it offers great ways to create a rich working environment that better prepares learners for life in future employability.

Bringing the collaboration to the learning environment can be a challenge when one considers all the barriers associated with today’s learners. However a good teacher should be able to adapt, differentiate and adjust the learning activities to better suit the learners needs. Below are several sites that are ideal for basic collaboration between learners that can be easily contextualised across different subject areas. Please follow the main blog feed for regular ideas how to use them.




Google Docs


BlogsWordPress & Blogger

Social BookmarkingDelicious


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